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Boy Scouts Patrols

Boy Scout believes in the philosophy learning from experience, this is why troops in the Boy Scout are boy run, meaning the boys are the ones leading the troop and planning the events. To give all scouts a chance at leadership, troops also adopted the patrol method, where the troop is divided into different patrols. Troop 511 consists of approximately 20 scouts which are in turn separated into patrols. Currently there are three patrols: the Dragon Patrol, the Eagle Patrol, and the Scorpion Patrol. Patrols are lead by a Patrol Leader and an Assistant Patrol Leader. The patrols and their members are listed below.




Austin Wong: Patrol Leader [PL] Yu Liang: Patrol Leader [PL] Caleen Cheung: Patrol Leader [PL]
Walter Wang: Assistant Patrol Leader [APL] Andy Zhang: Assistant Patol Leader [APL] Jacquelyn Chew: Assistant Patrol Leader [APL]
Matthew Bobadilla: Quartermaster [QM] William Wang: Quartermaster [QM] Sophia He: Quartermaster [QM]
Alston He: Scribe [S] Isaac Wong: Scribe [S] Caryee Hu: Scribe [S]
William Hang: Member [M] Devin Lee: Member [M] Connie He: Member [M]
Justin Deng: Member [M] Peitong Li: Member [M]
Chloe Bobadilla Member [M]

--Senior Scouts--
Cheng Rong: Senior Patrol Leader
Dylan Chew: Troop Guide
Regis Poon: Senior Patrol Leader - In Training

Revised: January 20, 2025